One of my aims for the CLUB is that we begin to share out the activities and make a real team effort to make them happen. 'Mum's Only' met one evening last week and one by one as they walked in to the pub we said oooooooh they look so beautiful!! Ridiculous isn't it, that we are so used to seeing each other with wellie-boots, pony tails and unattractive trousers.... the uniform for hanging out with our active little boys, that we barely recognised each other??! Anyway, we have a host of great ideas we are going to be working our way through!!
Today one of the Mums tried her hand at leading and taught us all how to make cup telephones
You will need

- 2 cups
- string
- a pin
- a pencil
To make your Cup telephone
- Stab the pin through the base of the cup
- Use the tip of the pencil to enlarge the hole
- Put the string through it and tie and knot to hold it in place... repeat, to connect both cups
- Then take turns to chat into the cup and listen on the other end
I was told in Wales that this was the main mode of communication right up until the 1990's which is impressive!!
The boys thrive when they are together. They loved chatting down the string line, although if I am honest, it was the Adults who were more impressed. As soon as the telephones had been constructed, we whipped them off the boys and shouted "No Way!!! They actually work" and to my shock they actually did!!! How the Welsh made it work for all those years though, I will never know!!!
At the end of THE CLUB we did some games and taught the importance of a team scrum and a team high five.... you know the kind - the American, all hands in the middle and a big Woooooooooah!!!
Until next week... stay happy!!!!
Disclaimer... some of my telecommunications information came from the reliable Wikipedia!
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