On the weekend I read a story that made me start weeping. It was a story of such devastation and yet such hope it completely inspired me. A woman, probably a similar age to me, with 4 kids who in an instant lost her sporty, handsome husband to a brain injury whilst he played rugby one evening (I will put a link to her story and blog at the end should you wish to read it!). It made me think about things, what are our small pleasures? What are the things that make us come alive? What are the things that sit on our door step that we see as nothing, but our children could see as their everything?

Today was the hottest day of the year so far and it was glorious. Our DANGEROUS CLUB FOR BOYS started at one end of the river. We walked along the river seeing swans, boats and builders... all a joy for our little boys. We scooted into the city centre where we, in Bristol, are most blessed because there are some huge water features that beckon kids to come and play in. They are less than an inch deep and are so much fun. We used the end sections of plastic milk cartons as boats and blew them around the water.
But really splashing and running and playing was as good as it could possibly get.
After several hours in the sun and water we took the boys back home on the water ferry, and as they gladly sucked their lolly pops they screamed at passers-by and waved frantically until they got a wave back!
Today I count my blessings. I do not have a garden and I live on a second floor flat, but hey I get this special city to be my garden and get to share it with loads of other people. I am so grateful for my husband and my kids and I know I want them to know, everyday of their life, they are special boys who are enormously blessed too!!!
Read this story if you want to have a good weep... it is quite special!!!
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