So I was not there this week because I was having an endoscopy. This is quite possibly one of the most offensive procedures I have ever experienced. They basically ram something in your teeth to stop you being able to talk/object, then inject you with something that stops you being able to talk/object and then as you try to talk/object they ram a FREAKING camera tube down your throat as you writhe around and make noises that should only come out of a labouring cow!!!
Anyway... It is now Friday and I have gotten over the hideousness of it and the humiliation of the doctor writing on my notes that I 'coped very BADLY' with the whole thing (You don't say Dr?).
Onto happy things... the darling DANGEROUS CLUB met... 11 in total and they did something called Sock Snake Bubbles. A great activity.
To do this....
- You get an empty bottle and cut off the large end
- Place a sock, taught, over the large end and use an elastic band to hold it on
- Dip the sock end into a little water with washing-up liquid (this can also have a bit of food colouring in it).
- Then carefully blow through the mouth end of the bottle and watch the bubbles come out.
You can be super clever and change the colour of the water as you go along and make rainbow snakes!!
Send in your pictures for the longest and most colour snakes!!! I DARE YOU!!!
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