1) Did you drink Lilt growing up?
2) Do you know what spokey-dokeys are?
3) Did 20p pocket money buy you 2 packets of chewits or a chocolate bar?
4) Did the kids in the films you watched all have streamers on their bikes??????
If yes to any of these... you are probably a child of the 80's. An interesting time of history where fashion was not at its greatest.... BUT... they did have bike streamers.
1) Does 20p pocket money only buy you (ironically) a 1p sweet?
2) Do you get around by scooter rather than foot
3) Do you drink water because sugar has now been proved to do NOTHING for your teeth?
4) Do you know RAWL and AETUC? (Roll Around Laughing and Abbreviate Everything U Can?)
1) Rip fabric or cut ribbons into lengths
2) Hide them all over the place and get the kids to find them
3) Tie them equally onto 2 elastic bands and then attach them on to the end of your scooter!
4) If you have no scooter, tie them on to a bike or your wrists.
This activity is super simple, super fun, the kids loved that they were making something for their scooters which are, to be fair, extensions of themselves.... and the sun... oh sweetness and joy, the sun was with us today. The world hath become a better place!
See you next week everyone!!!
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