An interesting title for a boys club?!! This weeks DANGEROUS CLUB FOR BOYS started, from my side, with chaos and complete and utter lack of good decision making... a quality I hate in people let alone myself! The rain started to come down and most people had told me they were unwell and unable to come along today so I ummmed and arrrrrhed until I almost lost my voice, I texted and re texted, I changed locations and venues and activities... MAN ALIVE I irritated myself..... Finally though, we ended up where I had originally started and we had the BEST time!!! A lesson learnt me thinks, 'make a decision and go with it!!'
Because of all the indecision we ended up with a few added extras... beautiful Borris the DOG and even more beautiful Lottie - A GIRL!!!
Our activity was so simple... find big sticks and go fishing for rubber ducks in gigantic puddles... it was very cold, very wet and great fun and worked really well... simplicity all the way! around the next corner we did a smartie treasure hunt followed by biscuits on the steps.

Finally we went into the Manor House of Ashton Court and had the most inappropriately large BabyCinos....
High on milk, and covered in milk moustaches, the kids played hide-and-seek and entertained all those who were looking for a quiet drink in the country... hehe...!!
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