A few years ago Bristol fell in to a deep fog... I loved it. It was like living an epic Jane Austin film. All I needed was a handsome man to arrive on a black horse through the mist and I would surely have then died of consumption... or something like that.

Anyway, we have been day 3 of a deep fog and it is beautiful. The fabulous Autumn leaves were the focus of our DANGEROUS CLUB FOR BOYS. We collected different colour leaves to create our rainbow of colour. I was a little bit gutted that the fiery red leaves seemed to have 'passed on', but enough of mourning over dying leaves (because that's the whole purpose of Autumn...is it not?). The boys collected browns, yellows and greens which we then pinned to a tree to make our pallet of colour
We then took out our rainbow cups and had babycinos... YUM!!!
The boys took to jumping and falling over and really did very well at getting muddy hands and not freaking out too much! gosh they are cute... being a DANGEROUS BOY is fun!!!
High (Muddy) Five... see you next week!
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