Thursday, 13 September 2012

Joe with an 'e'!

When I was younger Anne of Green Gables was my favourite film. Anne was a fiery red head who was passionate, dramatic and always got in to trouble....I adored her. In fact I adored her so much, I plucked a scene from the film where Anne gets into HUGE trouble for complaining that her name had been spelt Ann, without the 'e'.... And I thought I would be henceforth known as Jo.... With an 'E'! This worked well for a few reasons...firstly, it was in those days, wildly dramatic. Secondly people would think I was a bit naughty.... But more importantly, it was because Joe was a boys name and I really rather fancied being a boy!

23 years later, I have two boys. I am definitely more feminine these days....I still spell my name like a boy.... Much to the pain of the BBC, and I still think being a boy is cool, fun and exciting.

I want to bring up my boys to be active, fun, adventurous and imaginative. This summer I watched Tiger play, and at 2, realised he is not a baby any more....I know I need to step up a gear and engage with his masculinity and start training him in the ways I feel so excited and stirred up about. 

SO.... Here begins my journey of starting THE DANGEROUS CLUB FOR BOYS.... A journey as much for me, as it is for my children. A muddy, adventure that I am ready to run into!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!! Can't wait to see this site develop! Much love xx
