Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Teddy Bear's Picnic

If you are reading this in Hong Kong, Hawaii or even the Australian Desert  (which I am sure many of you will be, because of course you will need some good ideas for your cute little Aboriginal Boys, being in the outback with absolutely 'nothing' to do) you may wonder why the British are so tediously obsessed with weather... well let me tell you this...
Each week I try to do my blog explaining that spring has sprung, and then it unsprings and we all feel very depressed and have to deal with snow falls, sleet storms and hurricanes... hence our mild obsession!!!!! Last week due to freezing temperatures and a rather violent D&V bug, we did not make THE DANGEROUS CLUB FOR BOYS, so this week, wrapped up warm, I was as determined as an eskimo is to fix his igloo after accidentally peeing a hole through it, to make it work... and work it did!!

The boys were invited to bring a bag along with a favourite teddy in it. Tigers teddy is a Tiger called Le Tigre, which is he has shortened to LaLa. It was a huge treat to let LaLa out of the house and thus much joy was had in our house this morning!! We all went on a great walk, the boys chatting and scootering and racing along. We then stopped beneath a naked tree that had a few brave crocuses underneath it.
We set up camp and then hid a few treats behind other neighbouring trees. Note to reader at this point. I  say this in a VERY non WRONG way, but I liken Boys to Dogs... Nice dogs of course, but boys need to be well exercised and regularly eat... so in essence the further the snack is away, the more exercise they get, but the more motivated they are to getting it... catch my drift?
Anyway, the boys came back with various snacks, which we proceeded to then eat and occasionally share with our visiting teddy bears. Such a simple idea but this has been one of my favourite CLUBS!!!

To the lovely man Stefan who contacted me regarding his Dangerous Club for Boys.... it sounds amazing!!!! I will definitely be getting some tips from your web site.. Thank you for contacting us!!!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Stomp dem Rockets!

15 Degrees today... am I right in saying that that is practically a Jamaican summers day?????? Stuff spring... welcome summer!!!
Beautiful glorious sunshine greeted us this morning and it made for a great DANGEROUS CLUB FOR BOYS. The babies got chance to roll around in the grass and the boys, for the first time in ages, did not combust with coldness. I even found myself removing a layer or two!!!
I loved today on several counts. One of the reasons, apart from the chance to drink in the Vitamin D, was the fact that one of the other mums organised the whole CLUB today. It felt amazing!!! I loved that she came prepared and organised and managed to give the 8 boys a fabulous time and even bring the most delicious home made snack... it was bang on for the DANGEROUS CLUB and I felt really proud that we have got to this place!!!
Our activity today was Stomp Rockets... these are brilliant contraptions that is to a boy, what a ball is to a dog! A device that is thrilling and also makes you burn a LO-HO-HOT of energy!!!
For those of you interested they currently cost £8.99 on Amazon

To operate this marvellous energy inducing gadget, one 'stomps' on the base, forcing the air to go through the pipe and shoot the rocket in to the ether!! When it lands, the boys went running after it... genius!!! We spent the whole morning and more, shooting them high in to the air and collecting them again.

A video of said Rocket